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Tone and audience

The Unity tone of voice is professional and conversational, with the primary goal of being clear, concise, and accessible. This conversational tone means that it's okay to use features of natural speech, such as the following:

  • Contractions, for example "isn't," "haven't," "you're" (refer to Microsoft: Use contractions)
  • Prepositions at the end of sentences, for example "the project to open the asset with," rather than "the project with which to open the asset" (refer to Microsoft: Prepositions)

Use your own judgment to make sure the language and tone you use doesn't get in the way of giving clear information and instruction.


The audience for any given learning experience is defined by one or more personas. Each persona includes the skill level of the target learner.

Consult the Learning Experience Design System for detailed guidance on writing instruction for learners at the various skill levels and applying personas to learning experiences.