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Content development templates

There are a selection of templates available to help you create your learning experience.


All charters: required

We require content to be in the correct template format before we will sign it off to be published on Unity Learn. If you have initiated a project with us, you can find a copy of each of these templates in your working folder.

Content script template

All learning experiences require a content script template. The content script contains all the copy and images that will be published on Unity Learn, structured in the correct step-by-step format. A content script may contain a single tutorial or multiple tutorials organized into projects or courses. The script will also include a metadata table for each unit of content included in the learning experience.

Quiz template

If your learning experience includes a multiple choice quiz, you will need to use our specific template to format your quiz questions before they are built in Unity Learn. This template:

  • Includes four possible answers for each question by default.
  • Requires you to identify the correct answer.
  • Requires you to provide the feedback that learners will receive when they answer correctly or incorrectly.

Submission template

If your learning experience includes a learner submission as part of its assessment, you will need to include a specific submission tutorial. These tutorial variants have specific content that must be included; as submissions are relatively uncommon in content created by other teams, we provide this information in a separate template.

Content your learning experience designer (LXD) for guidance if you think that you will need to use this template.