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How to make great learning content

We're dedicated to creating great learning content. To make it great, we apply Unity's Learning Design Principles to guide learning creators like you.

Our principles are based on the learning theory of constructivism, which states that learners construct new knowledge through active experiences.

With these principles, we can be sure that the Learn platform doesn't contain documentation or reference material, like the Unity Manual, but truly engaging learning experiences.

Here are our four guiding learning design principles:

  • Motivate: Motivation is one of the greatest factors of learner success. Make sure your learning experience aligns with your learners, and helps them achieve something that's important to them.
  • Engage: Creators learn best when they work on projects they care about. ** **Once they're engaged in learning,creators are more likely to build a concrete understanding of new skills and competencies, and come up with their own ideas about how to apply them.
  • Empower: Invite creators to apply their newly learned skills to their own projects, practice them in multiple ways, and make them part of long-term memory.
  • Evaluate: Demonstrate to learners that they have acquired new skills, either through personal evaluations or formal assessments. Make sure they receive feedback, and are motivated to keep learning and growing based on that feedback.
Principles in action

The table below outlines the ways that the principles apply to tactics that will help you create impactful learning experiences. All of these tactics are explained in this toolkit.

  • Compose a learning outcome that will appeal to your learners and guide you through the development process.
  • Bring your target learners to life by creating learner personas. Develop your learning experience with these learners clearly in mind.
  • Get learners excited about your learning experience by writing introductory copy that's targeted to them and describes what they want to learn and make.
  • Base your learning experience on one or more practical activities that clearly align with your learning outcome.
  • Select a practical activity that your target learners will care about, in which they will do things that they want to do.
  • Encourage learners to apply their new skills in their personal creations.
  • Respond to learner comments and questions.
  • Give learners creative choices throughout the activities so that they can make their creations their own.
  • Once learners have tried something once, challenge them to take steps on their own without step-by-step guidance.
  • Suggest more things to try in which learners can apply their skills in different contexts, such as their own projects.
  • Make feedback loops and self-assessment part of the learning experience.
  • Provide formative assessments that help learners receive feedback and track their progress.
  • Provide summative assessments that allow learners to demonstrate that they achieved the learning outcome.
  • Feature learner content on the platform.